sHYpS newsletter #2 now published

sHYpS is paving the way towards decarbonizing the maritime industry.

Jeumont Electric has successfully defined the basic design of the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and BESS converters, allowing stable power supply and absorption of dynamic transient power on demand.

Discover more reading the second sHYpS project newsletter, download the issue here!

Dr. Pierluigi Busetto from Navalprogetti s.r.l. discusses the progress of a retrofittable liquid hydrogen (LH2) container-based system in an interview with The Motorship.

A pioneering project that is seeking to develop and commercialise a retrofittable liquid hydrogen (LH2) based solution within the next three years is continuing to progress.

sHYpS intendes to result in a test installation of a hydrogen-fuelled PEM fuel cell system on board a Viking cruise vessel as a replacement for a genset before the end of the four-year project, Pierluigi Busetto, the CEO of Navalprogetti, tells The Motorship.

Read the complete interview here!

We are happy to present a new publication released by the coordinator Navalprogetti in the frame of sHYpS: the project is featured in the Offshore Energy Magazine!

Take a look at the complete article at this link.

sHYpS will join the HYDROGEN EXPO event, the first Italian exhibition & conference entirely dedicated to the technological sector for the development of the hydrogen supply chainù.

From May 17th to 19th, the project will host its booth to present its aim and early results to key actors and experts of the field.

Our project partners Navalprogetti, Viking, Chart, CENERGY, PNO and Ricardo will be present to provide more information on how sHYpS is supporting the decarbonisation of the shipping industry by developing a novel LH2 swappable storage solution, which can be adapted to multiple types of vessels and speed up achieving IMO’s target for 2030 and 2050.

Come learn more about sHYpS Project and meet the project partners at stand C112!
We look forward meeting you and present you how sHYpS is supporting the decarbonisation of the shipping industry.

sHYpS joined ECOMONDO, the benchmark event in Europe for technological and industrial innovation in the field of green and circular economy, which took place in Rimini (Italy) from 8th to 11th November 2022.

The event is an international exhibition with an innovative format that brings together all sectors of the circular economy in a single platform: from material and energy recovery to sustainable development.

sHYpS was presented in the CiaoTech – PNO Group hub of projects, where factsheets and other dissemination materials were displayed.

The consortium of sHYpS is proud to present the first project newsletter!

Take a look at the issue to discover the aim and objectives of this Horizon Europe initiative aimed at the decarbonisation of the shipping industry.

The newsletter is available for download here.

On June 1st, 2022, the sHYpS project kicked off in Brussels (Belgium). The partner of this Horizon Europe initiative met on June 29th and 30th to discuss the work plan for the next 4 years and the main activities that will be carried out in the frame of the project.